Squaring the Circle
Writer: Trish D. Chetty
Director: Anton Corbijn
Release: September 2, 2022
Tagline: The Story of Hipgnosis
Producer(s): Trish D Chetty, Ged Doherty, Colin Firth
Executive Producer(s): Nick Angel, George Chignell, Andrew Hulme, Thorsten Schumacher
Stars/Actors: Paul McCartney, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, David Gilmour, Noel Gallagher, Roger Waters, Storm Thorgerson, Audry Powell
Production Company: Raindog Films
Genre(s): History, Art, Music
ID: tt10850264
Runtime: 101 minutes
Synopsis: The story of the album art design studio, Hipgnosis, who created some of the most iconic album covers of all time.
Declassified by Agent Palmer: You probably know Hipgnosis, you just don’t know it… (Squaring the Circle)
Quotes and Lines
Storm Thorgerson: I’m described by some as difficult to work with, by others as a ponce, by some as a narcissist with an ego the size a small planet, by some as really awkward, argumentative, by others yet as grumpy. Very few as handsome and sexy, which of course is the way I see myself.