
Writers: Michael Crichton & Ann-Marie Martin

Director: Jan de Bont

Release: May 8, 1996

Tagline(s): The Dark Side of Nature.
Don’t Breathe. Don’t Look Back.
Go for a ride you’ll never forget!
The Beautiful yet Destructive side to life

Producer(s): Ian Bryce, Michael Crichton, Kathleen Kennedy
Executive Producer(s): Laurie MacDonald, Gerald R. Molen, Walter Parkes, Steven Spielberg

Stars/Actors: Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Jami Gertz, Cary Elwes, Lois Smith, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Alan Ruck, Sean Whalen, Scott Thomson, Todd Field, Anthony Rapp, Zach Grenier, Patrick Fischler

Music by: Michael Kahn

Production Company: Warner Bros.

Genre(s): Disaster, Adventure, Thriller, Action

ID: tt117998

Rating: PG-13

Runtime: 113 minutes

Synopsis: Two storm chasers on the brink of divorce must work together to create an advanced weather alert system by putting themselves in the cross-hairs of extremely violent tornadoes.

Declassified by Agent Palmer: Movies I Love Just Because – The Humanity of 1996’s Twister

Quotes and Lines

Dusty: The extreme! IT’S THE EXTREME!
Bill: Oh, man. Don’t start that shit.

Jo: You’ve never seen it miss this house, and miss that house, and come after you!

Dusty: He strolls up to the twister, and he says, *have a drink*. And he chucks the bottle into the twister, and it never hits the ground.

Rabbit: Find this road… it’s like Bob’s Road…

Dusty: Ha Ha! It’s the wonder of nature, baby!

Jo: Debris! We got debris!

Melissa: When you used to tell me that you chase tornadoes, deep down I always just thought it was a metaphor.

Bill: Why can’t we spend a normal day together?

Dusty: He’s gonna rue the day. Dude, he’s gonna rue the day he came The Extreme, baby.
Laurence: Here, here.
Dusty: I’m talking immanent rueage. Immanent rueage.
Melissa: I was just wonderin’ why do you call Billy “The Extreme”?
Dusty: Cuz’ Billy is the extreme.
Preacher: Bill is the most out of control son of a bitch in the game!
Bill: No, I think I came in second.
Dusty: Well I’ve seen The Extreme in high gear.
Jo: You guys need to get some new stories. I’m gonna go clean up.
Dusty: So we get this one near Dalton-
Bill: Oh, God.
Dusty: We’re way too close, and Jo got the bid on it, she’s filmin’ it, right. And all the sudden, out of nowhere, this shity looking valiant, comes pulling up, right in the way.
Beltzer: She starts yellin’. And this loser, stumbles out of the car, he’s got like, a bottle of Jack Daniel’s in his hand. He’s naked-
Rabbit: He’s BUTT naked.
Beltzer: Naked.
Bill: NOT naked. I was not naked!
Beltzer: He’s without apparel.
Bill: Half naked.
Dusty: Naked. So, Jo is yelling at him to get out of the way, right. {All laugh again}He just- He strolls up to the twister, and he says “Have a drink.” And he chucks the bottle into the twister, and it never hits the ground!
Preacher: Twister caught it, and sucked it right up.
Bill: Honey, this is a tissue of lies. See there was another Bill, an evil Bill– and I killed him!

Beltzer: That’s no moon, that’s a space station!

Dusty: Jo, Bill, it’s coming! It’s headed right for us!
Bill: It’s already here!

Rabbit: Look, all I’m saying is don’t fold the maps.
Allan Sanders: I didn’t fold the maps.
Rabbit: Yeah, well Kansas is a mess, there’s a big crease right through Wichita. ROLL the maps.

Dusty: Meg’s gravy is famous. It’s practically a food group.

Aunt Meg: He didn’t keep his part of the bargain, did he?
Jo: Which part?
Aunt Meg: To spend his life pining for you, and die miserable and alone.
Jo: Is that too much to ask?

Rabbit: Uh… yeah, trust me. Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise.

Dusty: “The Suck Zone”. It’s the point basically when the twister… sucks you up. That’s not the technical term for it, obviously.

Rabbit: Hey, you know what, uh, Jo, somebody couldn’t help but notice how close we are to Wakita!
Jo: No!
Sanders: Yeah, and Aunt Meg wouldn’t mind a pit stop, right?
Jo: No!!
Dusty: Red meat, we crave sustenance!
Jo: Guys, we are not invading my aunt!
Dusty: {Signing in the ASL alphabet} Food!
All: FOOD!!! FOOOOD!!!!
Jo: HEY!! We are absolutely not going!

Beltzer: See, kids? An ordinary person spends his life avoiding tense situations!
Dusty: Repo man spends his life getting in to tense situations, BELTZER!!!!!!!WOOO!!

Jo: Is she OK?
Paramedic: We’ll probably keep her overnight just to be safe.
Aunt Meg: Overnight, forget it, I’m all right.
Jo: You’re going to the hospital.
Aunt Meg: OK, I’ll go, but I’m gonna drive myself.
Rabbit: Honey, your car is in a tree around the corner.

Bill: Jo. Things go wrong. You can’t explain it, you can’t predict it. Killing yourself wo’nt bring your dad back. I’m sorry that he died, but that was a long time ago. You gotta move on. Stop living in the past, and look what you got right in front of you.
Jo: What are you saying?
Bill: Me, Jo.