Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

The Story of Chrono Trigger is the story of a Rare Assemblage of Unrivaled Talent

Chrono Trigger Box Art cropped SNES

Chrono Trigger is one of those classic titles that generate nostalgia and a real sense of reverie amongst gamers. Released back in 1995 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System – it was a critical and commercial success.

I’m not exaggerating when I say few games released in the past 20 years measure up to this RPG masterpiece. Some younger gamers or those unfamiliar with gaming might not understand Chrono Trigger’s significance, but that’s okay.

I’m an old nerd whose wanted to write about this for a while.

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The Shannara Chronicles – The Hype and The Hope

MTV The Shannara Chronicles Coming 2016

Special Report by Agent Z

MTV is planning to launch a televised Shannara series. I imagine my reaction to the announcement was shared by most fans of the popular fantasy novels. MTV, really? The network known for producing reality television was taking on the massive undertaking of adapting Terry Brooks’ novel, The Elfstones of Shannara.

My initial anticipation was tepid given my negative perception of the network’s programming.

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Who Plays Who? The Debate Over the Next Doctor… (One does not simply enter the Tardis)

Dr Who Tardis Police Call Box

Special Report by Agent Z

Once more it’s time for a new Doctor to step into the Tardis. Matt Smith’s run as our favorite Time Lord is concluding at the end of this year. His incarnation of the Doctor was wildly popular and brought a new level of awareness to the long running BBC program. There is a lot of pressure on the network to maintain this momentum and continue to appeal to a more diverse audience.

That is why there’s so much discussion over who will be the next Doctor.

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