Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

To Sing or Not to Sing and more with Dave Hulegaard

The Palmer Files Podcast

Episode 137 the return of Dave Hulagaard the musician behind Twelve Days in June.

We discuss front man caliber vocals and singing horror stories, revisiting old favorite albums, finding your comfort zone, making up for lost time, playing live again, and much much more…

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Tony Rapino II: The Wrath of Friendship

The Palmer Files Podcast

Episode 135 features the return of Tony Rapino, a man of many hats and talents, who is here because since his last appearance on episode 92 we’ve become friends!

Which means I can ask him leading questions about his writing process and blocks, his baking habits, how he stays motivated, is he a recluse, and just how strong is his need to create and much much more.

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No Stranger to Fiction with Kristen Hamilton

The Palmer Files Podcast

Episode 134 features Kristen Hamilton, a fiction book editor, living her best life doing what she loves from the comfort of her home.

She’s here to discuss how she started her business, learning on the job, multitasking, and working from home, plus we dive into the paralyzing nature of an abundance of choice, discuss comfort foods, and much much more.

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