Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Spoiler Free Review

Astrid Falls Spoiler Free Review Cownden

Hope woven through soon-to-be-legendary Astrid Falls

“Vancouver is falling down–crumbling into sand. To save it, Astrid O’Brien boards a bus to a parallel dimension, there to confront the demons of the city, and to answer the question: Are we who we’re told we are, or who we decide to be?” This is the back cover synopsis for Andrew Cownden’s debut novel Astrid Falls: A Legend of Vancouver. And it is not a book to skip, but one to read and discuss with friends. Who are you?…

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Spoiler Free Review

Magic of the Plains By the Sword

Early Internet Offers Practical Fantasy in Magic of the Plains: By the Sword (A Book Review)

Never judge a book by its cover. This may be true, but for honesty’s sake, I must say that the reason I chose to pick up Magic of the Plains: By the Sword Volume 1 by Greg Costikayan was exactly because of its cover. Particularly, I got it for its back cover which states “BY THE SWORD MAGIC OF THE PLAINS As seen on Prodigy®.” For those of you my age, this will have a certain mystique.

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Spoiler Free Review

Codex by Lev Grossman Spoiler Free Book Review

The Mystery of The Codex is Always on the Periphery

Getting a promotion that you’ve worked for day in and day out, forgoing vacation and social graces, may seem like a dream come true. But when Edward Wozny gets such an opportunity, he takes a break and it’s not like a vacation at all. It’s a thrilling mystery that he wasn’t expecting.

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