Not Everyone Can Pull This Off For Halloween

A Special Report by Agent Ellipsis

Halloween is upon us, and although it’s easy to get excited about the haunted houses, scary movies, and the plethora of candy, it can be just as easy to feel shocked or discouraged by the amount of skimpy women’s costumes on the market.

Some women can pull off midriff-baring or super-short costumes with ease, but for many, it can be down-right uncomfortable wearing a “barely there” ensemble. Fortunately, it is possible to be sexy at Halloween while still maintaining a sense of modesty without the frump.

1. Research Your Favorite Looks

A few weeks before Halloween, it’s a good idea to research what kind of looks and costumes you would be interested in. If you’ve heard the phrase “There’s more than one way to skin a cat,” then you be can be assured that this applies to Halloween costumes as well. For instance, if you are interested in being a fox, but you don’t want to wear the short dress that is typical at Party City, there are a ton of costume ideas online that can serve as inspiration. Pinterest is a great resource because you can look at several variations of a costume that are sexy, modest, and many times budget-friendly!

2. Determine Your Best Features

There are many Body Types

There are many Body Types

One of the best ways to dress sexy with class, whether in street clothes or in costume, is to determine what your best features are. Perhaps you have long legs, or curvy hips. Maybe you have toned arms, or a small waist. Even high cheekbones can make a huge impact on your overall look! Once you determined your favorite features are, you can begin creating a costume that is flattering while showing an amount of skin you are comfortable with.

Also, if you know what your body type or shape is, this can make creating a costume easier. Pear shapes tend to have curvier hips and a smaller waist, while Apple shapes tend to have a curvier stomach with thin legs.

3. Dress Your Best Features by Creating Your Own Costume

It doesn’t make sense to determine your best features without dressing those features appropriately! If you have great legs, it doesn’t do any good to wear a maxi skirt, and if you have a nice chest and shoulders, wearing a turtleneck can just make you look like one giant “shape” on top. You can make a great looking costume with everyday articles of clothing!

Do it Yourself Minions

Do it Yourself Minions?

One habit that can save you a lot of money is to buy clothing and accessories you can use even past Halloween. Utility can be the difference between a money pit costume and reuse and recycle!

Using the aforementioned fox idea, if you want to play up your legs and chest, a form-fitting pair of opaque black leggings and a moderate V-neck orange shirt or sweater will accentuate those curves.

If you’re in a warm environment, decent-length shorts can be a good choice to show off some shapely gams without the wedgie! Remember that leaving something to the imagination is alluring without compromising your comfort. If you don’t want to draw attention to certain features, like a curvy stomach, you can wear a shirt that has a form-fitting chest but looser waist. If you’d like to cover your arms, a long-sleeve shirt or jacket can have a slimming effect.

There are many ways to play up or play down certain features, so be sure to research on which styles are most flattering for your body type beforehand.

4. Accessorize & Create a Make-Up Palette

This is where things get fun! Fortunately with Halloween makeup, skin tone doesn’t matter quite as much, especially if you’re doing a dramatic look like a skeleton or tiger look. If you’re more into the vampire look, choose a shade lighter than your normal makeup for your foundation to give you the “undead” feature, and make your eyes dark and dramatic! Aren’t a makeup artist? Not sure how to create that special look you’re going for? YouTube and Pinterest have a bevy of tutorials on how to look smokin’ hot, and on a budget.


Dressing for Halloween can seem daunting for a woman who prefers to be modest, but it is completely possible with a little bit of planning. The best part is that you are in control of how much skin you are comfortable showing, and usually you can create your perfect look for way less than a store-bought costume, which I think is pretty eerie-sistable.

Have fun, ghoulfriends, and Happy Halloween!

Agent Ellipsis is a writer, techie, and wife. She’s currently on a top-secret mission in Fayetteville, NC with her husband and their Yorkie, Rowdy. You can follow her mission log on Twitter @BinaryBombshell, or at