Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Sometimes Three Isn’t the Magic Number

Enough with the trilogies!

I recently read a pretty good book. But it was published at the height of publishing’s trilogy mania and while I enjoyed it, I didn’t quite enjoy it enough to continue with the trilogy. And that’s kind of a shame, because about two-thirds the way through the book, I knew there wouldn’t be any answers when I finished it.

Now, that’s not the case for all trilogies.

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A Reflection on Things Unfinished and Unwritten

From the desk of Agent Palmer

I love this blog. It has been a constant pleasure to write and share all of these posts. It’s not going anywhere, but it will probably change in some ways, as have I.

Last year I got married. And while I spoke about it with my wife Stefanie on two consecutive episodes of The Palmer Files podcast retracing our relationship from meeting to wedding, I haven’t mentioned it here. Why not?

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The Intersection of New Tech and Solid Standards on Display in Collision of Power

Collision of Power: Trump, Bezos, and the Washington Post is not my usual reading. It’s extremely contemporary and is perhaps the most recently published piece of non-fiction I’ve ever read.

But as a former student of journalism, and as my friends currently introduce me as a “Features Writer & Documentary Conversationalist” which could arguably be at least tangential to journalism, this is a book that’s about much more than the sum of the three elements listed in it’s subtitle.

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2023: Maybe I’ll Catch Up Later

I spent a lot of the last two months of this year listening to an album from 2020 by Tim Minchin, whose art I not only appreciate but am inspired by. Here’s the catch… I didn’t even know about the album until late October. In fact, I first listened to it the same day I finally listened to The Rolling Stones 2023 studio album Hackney Diamonds.

How did it come to this?

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Celebrating Sydney and The Arts with Anthemic Play It Safe

Celebrating Sydney and The Arts with Anthemic Play It Safe

In October 2023, the iconic Sydney Opera House had a birthday festival to celebrate the 50 years since it opened its doors to the world.

The Sydney Opera House website, under “Our Story,” explains why this building should be a little more celebrated than most in their short three paragraph history, which is honestly one of the more accurate and succinct art building histories I have ever read.

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