My first appearance on the GeekDig podcast came about spontaneously through a lack of communication within an online community in which the host Vengeful Jedi (Clint Thiele) and myself are both apart of.
A whole bunch of the podcasters and others in that community traveled to Portland to attend Rose City Comic Con (RCCC) and due to the horrible internet connection within the con we were left with much less updating then was advertised, though not to the fault of our friends.
As such, estranged from our own community Vengeful Jedi and I partook of geek conversation for a podcast with no road map to guide us. And we went all over the place; from “us vs them” a future Agent Palmer rant, to Star Wars, our lack of reading comics, and our podcast listening habits to mention a few.
I was even able to give him some homework. My love for Ralph Bakshi being no secret but since the Jedi has yet to see Wizards I challenged him to do so. And I sense in the Force that I will return to the GeekDig podcast to discuss the movie once he has completed the challenge.
It’s a long geeky conversation, the likes of which usually happen in gaming stores and comic shops and now thanks to the internet geek podcasts or ideas range from unique to common and everywhere in between maybe next time we’ll keep it under wraps maybe we’ll keep it under two hours
Vengeful Jedi
But we have a passion for what we like and we know what we like we also know what we don’t like
Vengeful Jedi and I had virtually no background together. We’ve spoken together on Twitter and he called me out on a live 7 Days a Geek podcast that wouldn’t end. Aside from that this was our first real conversation and it was as geeky and nerdy and pop culture-y as one would expect. If you follow either of us on Twitter this is probably something that might interest you if you enjoy geek stuff. This is also something that might intrigue you if you miss hanging around the comic book shop or gaming store for the conversation.
Let’s face it, if any of those things apply to you this is probably the podcast you’re looking for.
For the record, what Clint and I did, is precisely what he usually does. Although sometimes there is a prepared topic, his conversations rarely stay in one place. And why should they? We geeks are well rounded, at least in our geekdoms. We don’t just have one passion, we have many and we’re always willing to share.
So sit back, listen and enjoy.