Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

A back-from-the-dead defense of 2013’s R.I.P.D.

R.I.P.D. is the perfect comic book movie. I know it got panned, but trust me when I tell you that a lot of that is circumstantial.

People generally prefer to complain rather than just sit back and enjoy something. If you can believe it, that’s more prevalent now than it was in 2013 when this was released, but it was still true then.

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The Old Guard is an Action flick With Heart (But Don’t Watch the Trailer First!)

The Old Guard is an Action Film With Heart Movie Review

Based on the graphic novels of the same name, The Old Guard, starring Charlize Theron, is one of the best modern independent comic adaptations to grace the big screen in recent memory, AMC’s Preacher was pretty solid too.

But one of the unfortunate things about The Old Guard is the problematic trailer. I was informed by some people to go in knowing as little as possible, so I avoided the trailer itself. My partner was not so lucky, and some of the twists and turns in the first third of the film were all spoiled in that trailer, which I have since seen.

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A Marvelous Marvel Comics Inspired Musical Playlist

A marvelous Marvel Comics Inspired Musical Playlist

Marvel’s influence on popular culture and the references to Marvel within that culture has been rising equal to the rise of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), but this list is proof that Marvel had its hand well into the popular culture well before the rise of the current MCU.

As with the DC inspired playlist I created, these songs need to be inspired by the comics, so Black Sabbath’s Iron Man, which is totally and completely unrelated to the comic character doesn’t get to be on the list. And no, it’s inclusion at the end of the 2008 Iron Man film doesn’t give it a pass.

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Late to the Party? No Worries? There’s plenty of parties! (An Agent Palmer Rant)

Recently I watched The Matrix for the first time. Yes, in 2019 I watched 1999’s The Matrix for the first time. Twenty years is a long time to be late to the party on something but I shouldn’t be vilified for not being a part of it, I should be welcomed to the party.

As I write this, I don’t know what the reaction will be, because I sat down with Bill on The Wicked Theory Podcast to discuss my first reactions to this twenty-year-old film, and that episode has not yet dropped.

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