Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

The Story of Chrono Trigger is the story of a Rare Assemblage of Unrivaled Talent

Chrono Trigger Box Art cropped SNES

Chrono Trigger is one of those classic titles that generate nostalgia and a real sense of reverie amongst gamers. Released back in 1995 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System – it was a critical and commercial success.

I’m not exaggerating when I say few games released in the past 20 years measure up to this RPG masterpiece. Some younger gamers or those unfamiliar with gaming might not understand Chrono Trigger’s significance, but that’s okay.

I’m an old nerd whose wanted to write about this for a while.

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Top 50 Duke Nukem Quotes from the Franchise

Top 50 Duke Nukem Quotes from the Franchise

One of the more endearing parts of the Duke Nukem franchise from Duke Nukem 3D to Duke Nukem Forever and everything in between are the quotes that spew from Duke’s mouth throughout the gameplay in single-player and multi-player modes.

With that in mind, I have compiled a list of the top 50 things Duke has said throughout the franchise. They are full of pop culture references and quotes from other characters; Yoda from Star Wars and Ash from the Evil Dead franchise, as well as some great quips putting down other entities, such as the Quake and short-lived XFL.

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