Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Sexy Little Numbers and the Curse of Dated Data Analysis

Sexy Little Numbers and the Curse of Dated Data Analysis

Sexy Little Numbers is a book designed to sell books and the services of marketing agencies. For me, this book was about as exciting as a bad TED Talk. The speaker, or in this case author, thinks it is interesting and the members of the audience who are just discovering this topic find it interesting.

However, for anyone who has a small understanding of the complexities of data as a concept, it’s just analytics 101. It’s hardly as exciting as author Dimitri Maex of marketing goliath Ogilvy & Mather attempts to make it.

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I have read one of the worst books ever: The Laptop Millionaire.

While not entirely applicable, the word that kept coming into my head as I read “The Laptop Millionaire: How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online” was “shyster.”

Author Mark Anastasi’s 2012 book feels like a novel in that it is a bunch of regurgitated buzzword internet money-making schemes that feel more about making money than the “value” he claims they represent. Adversely, he never actually represents that value with anything more quantifiable than overusing the same word.

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You Can’t Spell “National Champions” Without NIL

You can spell National Champions without NIL a 2021 Movie Review

National Champions is an interesting, if not ill-timed, feature movie released in 2021 based on the play of the same name by Adam Mervis. It’s a well written brief that encompasses all of the arguments for and against paying collegiate athletes.

What makes this ill-timed is that the relief valve of the NCAA’s NIL deal was enabled the same year the film came out. In fact, the NIL rules went into effect in January of 2021, while this film was released almost 11 months later in December of that year.

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Wired Highlights an Industry that Failed John Belushi which Continues Today

Wired: The Short Life & Fast Times of John Belushi is a very intriguing and thought provoking detailed trip of Belushi’s life by renowned journalist Bob Woodward.

The book wants to be a straight-forward, facts forward retelling of Belushi’s life with the words and experiences of those who were around him at the time. On the surface, that might be exactly what it is, but it is so much more than that.

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