Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Klosterman’s Raised in Captivity Like an Adult Version of Sideways Stories from Wayside School

Review of Chuck Klosterman Raised in Captivity

Chuck Klosterman is a master of the absurd in the simplest way. He’s truly outdone himself in “Raised in Captivity,” a book full of short stories that read like longer versions of his HYPERtheticals, which are questions intended to start insane conversations.

The front cover boasts this book as “Fictional Nonfiction,” but you could easily argue about what order that should be in or even about what each of these short stories are about. That’s what this book does. And it will get you thinking.

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Klosterman Ditches the Rose Colored Glasses to Look Back on The Nineties

Chuck Klosterman The Nineties Book Review

In The Nineties, Chuck Klosterman looks back at the last decade that actually felt like a decade. It’s hard to view this book as anything other than a transformation, but it’s also hard to ignore that reading this book puts you back there.

This book is a time capsule with the perverse insights that make you wonder about your own memory, the collective memory, and all with a sincerity, exuberance, and authenticity that feels proper.

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Spoiler Free Review

Downtown Owl by Chuck Klosterman Spoiler Free Review

Human Condition the Subtle Neon Glimmer of Downtown Owl

I decided to pick up Downtown Owl again. I originally read it much closer to its release in 2008 for two reasons. First, Klosterman is an author whom I enjoy, and because I want to include a review or an essay on each of his works on this blog I was surprised that I hadn’t reviewed Downtown Owl before. Considering that I read it before this blog started, that makes a ton of sense.

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Spoiler Free Review

But what If We're Wrong? by Chuck Klosterman

A Book Review of But What If We’re Wrong? By Chuck Klosterman

Let’s start with the cover, the inside cover, because using those words to describe the book seems better than making something up with different words that mean the same thing.

“But What If We’re Wrong? is a book of original, reported, interconnected pieces, which speculates on the likelihood that many universally accepted, deeply ingrained cultural and scientific beliefs will someday seem absurd.”

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12 Great Opening Lines from Recent Reads

12 Great Opening Lines from Recent Reads

Believe it or not, the opening line of a book can truly shape the entire experience of reading it. Much like the opening scene to a movie, an author can choose to bring us straight into the action or build a slowly burning sense of purpose through their words.

With that in mind, I wanted to discuss the 12 best opening lines from books I’ve recently read, but I had a decision to make before I got started. I wasn’t sure what the criteria should be. Should it be the prologue, for those that have a prologue, or should it be the first line from chapter one because all of them had a chapter one?

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