Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Upload on Amazon Prime is Good but its binge formula detracts it from being Great

Amazon Prime Upload

Upload is a good show on Amazon Prime that could be great if it didn’t follow the binging streaming formula. (The following may contain spoilers.)

The writing and biting social commentary on future capitalism, technology, and relationships that still manages to hit close to home. But, and this is, for me, what keeps this show from being a great show, is the “whodunnit” nature of the plot throughline.

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Why Audio CD Length is Not Exactly Exact

Compact Discs (CDs)

There is a moment that changed the path of CD technology into the format we once loved. It occurred 18 years after the technology for compact disks was created and it was as much about politics as it was about standards. It also turned out to be more of a guideline than a rule.

Invented in the 1960s by James Russell the technology for the CD wasn’t new when it took the music landscape by storm in the ’90s.

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For Your Favorite Indie Podcast: Remain Indie or Go Mainstream

For Your Favorite Indie Podcast Remain Indie or Go Mainstream

A while ago I asked a Twitter Poll question “Your favorite indie #podcast can either remain indie and more or less remain as it is or go mainstream and potentially be vastly different… You want it to Remain indie or Go mainstream?”

That the results were so close, with 51% saying they would want their favorite podcast to “Go mainstream” is extremely surprising… Or is it?

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Track by Track

Track by Track TMNT Coming Out of Their Shells Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A Nostalgic Look Back On Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Coming Out of Our Shells”

If you could get in a time machine and ask me in my 7-year old wisdom, what the best album of all time was, I would have easily answered Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Coming Out of Our Shells,” without hesitation. Seriously, the album was my jam back in the day.

Though much lamented on the internet with any google search for “Coming Out of Our Shells” now, I view this gem very differently. Let’s be honest here, I was 7 when this was released and it was my jam!

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Now You’re Addicted to Podcasts, And That’s Okay!

Now You’re Addicted to Podcasts, And That’s Okay!

It always starts with one podcast. Or it usually does. You find that one podcast either through a friend or coworker or perhaps just happenstance. You listen to that one podcast and then you subscribe and you consume all of it. Perhaps you even go through the back catalog.

That one podcast speaks to you. You get to know the host or hosts, their style of joking, their tastes, and depending on the podcast their lives. You know them, or at least you know their persona.

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