Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

PodtoberFest 2016: The First Gathering of Shumway

Shumway Podcasts

They came from the North, the South, the East, and the West. And for a few days they converged upon the house of Grant and Beth. Some had met before in person, but not all. This was the first time, this was the gathering, the joining of persons and digital personalities from afar coming together as the fictitious Shumway Industries in the physical realm.

And in no small way… It has touched all who attended. It was for PodtoberFest 2016, but more than that, it was the first family reunion of Shumway.

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PodtoberFest 2016: Prepare Yourself, They’re Doing It Again!

PodtoberFest 2016

Soon podcasters from around the world will conduct a two day podcast extravaganza known as PodtoberFest 2016.

This year’s incarnation, building off of the tradition of last year’s continuous 24 hour live broadcast, will be split into two 12 hour live recordings on October 7th and 8th.

The list of talent behind this year’s event includes veterans from last year’s successful attempt and a few new additions…

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What you should listen to: Couple Things Podcast

Couple Things Podcast

The website states “couple couples chatting about the quandaries of the world.” The main intro into their topics is “every week the four of us bring a topic to discuss barroom style…” How could you possibly go wrong, listening to Couple Things Podcast?

The four hosts are, of course, two couples; Ben & Molly and Von (Michelle) & Ray. But there is also the concept of “podcast married” which swaps the couples around, so be on the lookout for that depending on the topic at hand.

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Grant Markham gets Stranger Conned on The Quadcast Podcast

Grant Markham gets Stranger Conned on The Quadcast Podcast

For those of us who have any behind-the-mic involvement on podcasts, listening to episodes can be quite the experience. We compare, we contrast, we contemplate. But within the independent podcast community, we also learn about our fellow podcasters and sometimes we even learn about our friends.

When my friend, Grant “TK1” Markham recently guested on Quadcast Podcast with Courtney “The Quadfather”, I knew going in it was going to be something special.

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The Road to Clammr Clip 1,000

On January 21st, 2016 I posted my first Clammr clip and then I kept going and going, right through to July 4th, 2016, a mere 165 days later when I posted clip 1,000.

What is Clammr? I’ve covered this before, but in short, it’s a way to easily create and share short audio clips. Now it’s commonly used for podcasts, but it can be used in many other ways too.

How did I manage 1,000 clips in 165 days?

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