Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

It’s in the cards: How Magic the Gathering made me appreciate Twitch

It would seem illogical at best to expect that a physical game like Magic: The Gathering would be my entrance into the digital world and the many communities and chats of Twitch, but that is exactly how it happened. And in my case, I’m still close enough to the beginning to understand how it happened.

My podcast, The Palmer Files, is a prime example of my interest in beginnings at the moment, so I figured I would track how this all went down.

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Jim Henson: The Biography is a Beacon of Positivity Just Like Jim

Jim Henson The Biography by Brian Jay Jones

Jim Henson: The Biography by Brian Jay Jones is, like it’s eponymous subject, a beacon for all times and all people. The things Jim Henson created, the things he inspired, and the way he lived his life are all examples that there can be good in the world, and we don’t just have to receive it, we can enjoy it, share it, collaborate on it, and create it ourselves.

The story of Jim Henson is the story of an innovator who was never satisfied unless he was on to the next thing, and then the next, and the next, and the next.

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Upload on Amazon Prime is Good but its binge formula detracts it from being Great

Amazon Prime Upload

Upload is a good show on Amazon Prime that could be great if it didn’t follow the binging streaming formula. (The following may contain spoilers.)

The writing and biting social commentary on future capitalism, technology, and relationships that still manages to hit close to home. But, and this is, for me, what keeps this show from being a great show, is the “whodunnit” nature of the plot throughline.

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Spoiler Free Review

Castlevania the Series on Netflix is a mature video game adaptation

Castlevania the Series on Netflix is a mature video game adaptation

Castlevania is an action, gothic-horror video game franchise developed by Konami. It made its debut in 1986 on the Nintendo Family Computer Disk System. The long-running series has enjoyed popularity on various gaming platforms and after being renewed for a fourth season, it’s safe to say the Netflix Animated Castlevania Series is a successful adaptation.

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