Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Spoiler Free Review

Disenchantment on Netflix

Disenchantment is a Return to Form for Matt Groening that’s more Futurama than Simpsons.

Matt Groening returns to the small screen with Netflix’s Disenchantment. The writer’s room and voice talents are a who’s who of Futurama and Simpsons veterans with some IT Crowd connections like Matt Berry and Noel Fielding rounding out the star-studded cast. It’s five hours of the animated stylings that made The Simpsons and Futurama so good, that’s right, it’s the quickest binge you’ll ever go on with 10 half-hour episodes waiting for you.

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Track by Track

Track by Track TMNT Coming Out of Their Shells Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A Nostalgic Look Back On Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Coming Out of Our Shells”

If you could get in a time machine and ask me in my 7-year old wisdom, what the best album of all time was, I would have easily answered Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Coming Out of Our Shells,” without hesitation. Seriously, the album was my jam back in the day.

Though much lamented on the internet with any google search for “Coming Out of Our Shells” now, I view this gem very differently. Let’s be honest here, I was 7 when this was released and it was my jam!

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Rock & Rule: The Cult Classic That Never Really Was

Rock & Rule Movie

There was a time, not that long ago, where aiming an animated movie at an older audience was quite the gamble. This time also overlaps with the period where Disney was still the king of animation for feature length cartoons and everyone else was lucky to even be mentioned…

Not everything is destined to be a hit or even lucky enough to get “cult classic” status. Ralph Bakshi, who I’ve written a lot about, has made a career of smaller independent cartoons targeted at older audiences that all have gained cult status.

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Sausage Party is a Hilarious “R Rated” Romp

Sausage Party Review

A Special Report by Agent TBD.

Seth Rogan and a host of Apatow comedy regulars dip their toes in the CG animated movie world with Sausage Party, an R-rated comedy that does for groceries what Toy Story did for Toys with much more disturbing results.

As expected, the film is infused with raunchy humor and double entendre that often pushes the line between funny and awkward. Throughout this film I often had to remind myself of the comforting fact that it was not a documentary.

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Ten Geeky Flags to Stand Under

Zoidberg with the Earth Flag Futurama

Once upon a time, President Woodrow Wilson established National Flag day as June 14th, with a proclamation in 1949. This holiday commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States and that’s all fine and good, an honorable commemoration if ever there was one, but truth told, my fellow geeks and I often stand under other flags (or banners) besides our national ones.

So, with that in mind, here are just a select few of the many fictional flags/banners that geeks stand under and for.

Let’s take a look…

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