Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

18 Movies Coming to Theaters in 2018

18 Movies Coming to Theaters in 2018

This could very well be the same list you’ve read a hundred times since the beginning of the year. Do I apologize for this? I do not. This is a geek blog and most of these movies are geek movies, it just so happens that geek has moved into and maintained its place within the mainstream.

That being said, this is my list of the 18 movies I’m most looking forward to in 2018. Enjoy, and pass the popcorn.

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Self Control, LEGOs, and Money… Or LEGO, My Wallet! I’m a Kid Again!

LEGO My Wallet

Self control, Palmer, self control…

As some of you may remember back in July I bought myself the LEGO Saturn V Rocket. Now, there are three things of note. One, I bought it because I was and still am enamored with space flight, two I had a place on my mantle to display it after building it, and three I ended up getting on the LEGO mailing list through making my order and am now in possession of two LEGO Holiday Catalogs…

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“Marvel’s The Defenders” was a Color-Coded Hell to Watch

The Defenders was Color-Coded Hell to watch

A Special Report by Agent Parker

Well, it’s been a week, and I’ve finally gotten through all of “Marvel’s The Defenders.” I’ll wait while you finish silently judging me. Done now? Then let’s continue. In the week since then, something has continually bothered me.

It’s not that the Netflix exclusive that finally brought together Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist was difficult to watch. (You can save your Internet hivemind hatred of Finn Jones for another day). It’s not even that it was difficult to find the time to watch it.

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