Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

PROMISE by Palmer

Promise by Palmer Music Playlist

Promise. It’s quite a word. It can be a declaration that one will or won’t do something. It can be legally binding. It can be a reason to expect something or an expectation of success. It can also be a pledge.

It’s a versatile word, and because of that I decided to see what a variety of artists could make of a promise by creating a playlist.

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The Mandolin Rocks: A Playlist

Mandolin Rocks A Playlist by Agent Palmer

This blog post was written as a response to a podcast, where the mandolin was unfairly and viciously attacked because, well, there was no reason. It was entirely unprovoked and someone needs to stand in and defend the mandolin from Matt’s attacks on Our Liner Notes.

And apparently, I have decided that I am that person. So in defense of the mandolin, here are some tracks that include and even feature the little instrument that could.

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Choose Your Illusion: Your Own Personal Use Your Illusion (with Palmer’s Picks)

Guns N Roses Use Your Illusion Choose Your Illusion

This is a fun little exercise if you like Guns ‘N Roses. Take their Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II albums and create a single album selecting tracks with a standard CD length cutoff on time at 74 minutes.

Now, Use Your Illusion I comes in at 16 songs with a run time of 76 minutes and Use Your Illusion II is 14 songs with a 75 minute runtime, so why 74? Well, it makes it more challenging, and it’s easy to use what was the standard.

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