Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Spoiler Free Review

Is Worst. Person. Ever. a condemnation of all of us?

Is Raymond Gunt the worst person ever? At a minimum, he’s had some help…

This book’s main character, Raymond Gunt, may in fact be the worst person ever, or he may just be proof that assumptions and a lack of context make for the worst in people. Truth be told, that’s probably and sadly more common than we’d all like to think.

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Spoiler Free Review

October Light has layers beyond its book within a book

There are quite a few stories within this book, including a book within a book that’s quite the read, but I’ll get to that in a moment. October Light, written by James Gardner, is based on two very specific things; a conflict between an old man and an old woman, as well as pieces of a fictional book that we read along with one of the characters.

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Spoiler Free Review

Astrid Falls Spoiler Free Review Cownden

Hope woven through soon-to-be-legendary Astrid Falls

“Vancouver is falling down–crumbling into sand. To save it, Astrid O’Brien boards a bus to a parallel dimension, there to confront the demons of the city, and to answer the question: Are we who we’re told we are, or who we decide to be?” This is the back cover synopsis for Andrew Cownden’s debut novel Astrid Falls: A Legend of Vancouver. And it is not a book to skip, but one to read and discuss with friends. Who are you?…

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