Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Ten Geeky Flags to Stand Under

Zoidberg with the Earth Flag Futurama

Once upon a time, President Woodrow Wilson established National Flag day as June 14th, with a proclamation in 1949. This holiday commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States and that’s all fine and good, an honorable commemoration if ever there was one, but truth told, my fellow geeks and I often stand under other flags (or banners) besides our national ones.

So, with that in mind, here are just a select few of the many fictional flags/banners that geeks stand under and for.

Let’s take a look…

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Agent Palmer’s 16 Movies to See in 2016

We are firmly in 2016. Okay, so it’s just a week, but there’s no going back. So let’s take a look forward at the 16 movies to watch in 2016.

While 2015 had quite the haul of geek movies and other interesting films released, this year is already looking to top it.

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