Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

The Catcher Was A Spy isn’t just for Baseball and Espionage Fans

I enjoy baseball, and I enjoy spy and espionage books, films and series. It would seem, then, that The Catcher Was a Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg was bound to not only interest me, but intrigue and entertain me as well. I would argue that sociologists and psychologists would also enjoy this book, as the curious case of Moe Berg is more than what it seems.

Despite the research completed here by author Nicholas Dawidoff and other books written about him, the constant in this book is what we don’t know.

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Sometimes Three Isn’t the Magic Number

Enough with the trilogies!

I recently read a pretty good book. But it was published at the height of publishing’s trilogy mania and while I enjoyed it, I didn’t quite enjoy it enough to continue with the trilogy. And that’s kind of a shame, because about two-thirds the way through the book, I knew there wouldn’t be any answers when I finished it.

Now, that’s not the case for all trilogies.

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A Reflection on Things Unfinished and Unwritten

From the desk of Agent Palmer

I love this blog. It has been a constant pleasure to write and share all of these posts. It’s not going anywhere, but it will probably change in some ways, as have I.

Last year I got married. And while I spoke about it with my wife Stefanie on two consecutive episodes of The Palmer Files podcast retracing our relationship from meeting to wedding, I haven’t mentioned it here. Why not?

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Spoiler Free Review

Is Worst. Person. Ever. a condemnation of all of us?

Is Raymond Gunt the worst person ever? At a minimum, he’s had some help…

This book’s main character, Raymond Gunt, may in fact be the worst person ever, or he may just be proof that assumptions and a lack of context make for the worst in people. Truth be told, that’s probably and sadly more common than we’d all like to think.

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