Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

I have read one of the worst books ever: The Laptop Millionaire.

While not entirely applicable, the word that kept coming into my head as I read “The Laptop Millionaire: How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online” was “shyster.”

Author Mark Anastasi’s 2012 book feels like a novel in that it is a bunch of regurgitated buzzword internet money-making schemes that feel more about making money than the “value” he claims they represent. Adversely, he never actually represents that value with anything more quantifiable than overusing the same word.

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Palmer's Trek

Palmer’s Trek: Star Trek: Generations

Star Trek: Generations, from 1994, is Star Trek: The Next Generation’s first entry into the movie theater for that series. It’s also the first Star Trek movie since Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, released in 1991.

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Jet Lag: The Game is worth the cost of Subscription

Jet lag is defined by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) as “a temporary sleep problem that usually occurs when you travel across more than three time zones but can affect anyone who travels across multiple time zones.” They define its cause as “a mismatch between a person’s normal daily rhythms and a new time zone.”

Jet Lag: The Game is not any of those things, and the only related thing to the CDC’s definition and cause is that players in the game often feel jet lagged at the end of the game and they are sometimes crossing time zones.

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Spoiler Free Review

Reading Player One Post-Pandemic Challenges Its ‘New Normal’ Narrative

What happens when one of the most inventive novelists of contemporary modern literature writes about the future in the context of new ideas and their future repercussions in a five-chapter book, each representing one hour? In this case, you get Player One: What Is to Become of Us (The CBC Massey Lectures), which was created for the 2010 lectures.  “Five disparate people are trapped inside an airport cocktail lounge during a global disaster: Karen, a single mother waiting for her…

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