Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

If I can do it for me, I can do it for you (What is Experience?)

From the desk of Agent Palmer

I have been out of work. I have been networking and applying and battling depression throughout a pandemic. But I have also maintained this blog and a podcast and kept up to date with digital marketing trends.

And yet, commonly, people I respect ask me “what of this have you done for money?” I’m sick of the sentiment. If a runner runs a few laps on their own because they got to practice early, most coaches will count that. If a musician practices on their own time to get better that’s experience that is important to the craft. There are many other examples of this.

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Entertainment Listening: Podcast v. Music: Finding Balance

Entertainment Listening: Podcast or Music

It is no secret that I enjoy listening to podcasts. I have written about them, I have reviewed them, I have participated in them, and then I created and continue to publish my own. But I am also a lover of music, which I have also written about, reviewed, and played.

Of late, podcast listening has taken a back burner to music, specifically Bob Dylan, R.E.M., and some curated playlists on Spotify and Amazon Music.

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Late to the Party? No Worries? There’s plenty of parties! (An Agent Palmer Rant)

Recently I watched The Matrix for the first time. Yes, in 2019 I watched 1999’s The Matrix for the first time. Twenty years is a long time to be late to the party on something but I shouldn’t be vilified for not being a part of it, I should be welcomed to the party.

As I write this, I don’t know what the reaction will be, because I sat down with Bill on The Wicked Theory Podcast to discuss my first reactions to this twenty-year-old film, and that episode has not yet dropped.

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In Defense of Distraction: Agent Palmer’s 2017 Year In Review

From the Desk of Agent Palmer: A Personal Look Back at the Year that Was

It’s been quite a year and as it comes to it’s inevitable end, as all years do, what now? What is there to say as I look back on the year as it was.

As you may have noticed, I don’t do politics. I write this blog to educate, to entertain, and to share. But I don’t want to be derisive, and I attempt not to be offensive.

I see this as a safe zone. Full of the things that have made life for geeks, like myself, enjoyable.

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