Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Infiltrating The 2013 Great Allentown Comic Con: The “Too Big” Little Con

Darth Maul at 2013 Great Allentown Comic Con

I really do enjoy going to The Great Allentown Comic Con. It’s always full of and eclectic bunch of artists, writers and celebrities.

It has friendly dealers that are just as willing to strike up a conversation as they are to sell you something. You can haggle prices and there are always people cosplaying, or if you prefer, there are always people in costume.

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Movie Review of Iron Man Three: A Tony Stark Movie

Marvel Presents Movie Review of Iron Man 3

Iron Man Three, the first leap back into the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the Avengers is out. How does this movie stack up in comparison with the other two Iron Man movies? How does it work within the ongoing Marvel Cinematic Universe and moreover how does it continue the story? Ignoring the how, does it even do any of those things?

The answer… Yes it does.

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Geek Resolutions for 2013: An In-depth Report or How to be a Geek in 2013

Every year on Dec. 31, people start contemplating what they’ll strive for in the coming year.

I’ll quit smoking. I’ll lose weight. I’ll save money.

Yeah, sure you will, until the second week of January when you say, “Screw it,” and just wait to make the same resolutions next year.

Here is a list of the resolutions that most of us geeks have every year, only they aren’t resolutions, they’re goals!

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Field Report: An Infiltration of the Great Allentown Comic Con 2012 | Some things just can’t be replaced.

The Great Allentown Comic Con Comic Book Convention

I recently infiltrated the Great Allentown Comic Con in the city’s Merchants Square Mall. The attendance was not what it had been in the past and there weren’t quite the number of dealers that usually show up, but that can be attributed to the beating this and surrounding areas had taken due to Superstorm Sandy and the Nor’Easter that dumped winter weather in New Jersey.

Attendance aside, the atmosphere was upbeat – how could it not be with a room full of comics!

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Field Report: Infiltration of the Philly Non-Sports Card Show in Allentown

Philly Non-Sports Card Show in Allentown

Recently, I attended the Philly Non-Sports Card Show. I didn’t quite know what to expect. I had been to “CCG” shows, but they’re universally labelled as such. So I headed out, having very little idea of what might be in store for me.

When I arrived there was a line of about 100 people waiting to get in. It wasn’t quite a comic con crowd, but there were some characters, an equal mix of genders and a very wide range of ages.

Now before I explain what I saw at the show, let me explain all I know about Non-Sports Cards.

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