Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

“It’s What You Learn After You Know it All” is for Baseball Fans and Managers of all Types

The Autobiography of Earl Weaver

Over the years baseball has changed. On the diamond, in the dugout, and off the field as well. And there are a ton of things in this book that emphasize that point, but this book is more than baseball, it’s Earl Weaver. And then again, some things don’t change.

It’s pitching, defence, and the three-run home-run. It’s arguing with umpires, tearing up rulebooks, and “debates” with your own players and management.

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Coders by Clive Thompson is an intriguing glimpse behind the code and into the people writing it

Coders by Clive Thompson

From the early coders of the most primitive computers to today’s venture capital wet dreams, Clive Thompson’s book “Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World” peels back the layers on just who is behind the keyboard of the code that is impacting our lives.

How coders work, why they think the way they do, what it is they actually do, and even their reflections on what they’ve done.

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Why Audio CD Length is Not Exactly Exact

Compact Discs (CDs)

There is a moment that changed the path of CD technology into the format we once loved. It occurred 18 years after the technology for compact disks was created and it was as much about politics as it was about standards. It also turned out to be more of a guideline than a rule.

Invented in the 1960s by James Russell the technology for the CD wasn’t new when it took the music landscape by storm in the ’90s.

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Deconstructing Sammy is about more than the Resurrection of the Legacy of Sammy Davis, Jr.

Deconstructing Sammy by Matt Birkbeck

Deconstructing Sammy: Music, Money, and Madness by Matt Birkbeck could very well be one of the saddest books I have read in recent memory, which includes some books on WWII.

There are a lot of things in play in this book… “Adored by millions, Sammy Davis Jr. was considered an entertainment icon and a national treasure. But despite lifetime earnings that topped $50 million, Sammy died in 1990 near bankruptcy.

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